We walk past each other in the corridor and ask how each other are. “Fine”, “good” and “great thanks” are often the responses, and we move on to the rest of our day. It’s how we listen and respond that really matters.
Start the conversation – today and every day
Today might just be the day to start a conversation on a new level with your friends, colleagues and community. By being present and listening, you could make the difference to someone struggling in silence – in life or in work.
How are they really feeling?
In a world where remote working blurs the lines between a snapshot conversation of life and an in person connection, take the time to observe, be present, listen with empathy, without judgement and never provide unsolicited advice.
Today, tomorrow, and beyond, we must create a culture that encourages and enables openness, vulnerability and authenticity.
So we’re encouraging our teams across the Nexon offices to engage in morning tea gatherings, virtual 1-to-1 catch up’s, in person coffee meetings, to make the time to connect in a way that works for you. And we’re all brilliantly different.
When we ask R U OK? Be present and listen before you respond. And…
- Ask Open Questions – How are you today?
- Listen and Connect – Make the time and find a safe space
- Build Trust – Listen first, don’t judge
- Acknowledge Emotions – never shut them down
- Respond appropriately – without giving unsolicited advice
- Make time to check in regularly
- Always practice self-care
We care – so reach out
We’ve built a business which is inclusive and together, we celebrate the diversity of thought that happens when we bring different genders, backgrounds, cultures, ages and skills together.
So today, let’s make the time to be the difference.
Make someone feel listened to, valued and visible. And then do the same thing every day from here to support our team wherever or however they choose to work.
Let’s talk
Finally, if you’re struggling, please ask for help. Share how you’re feeling with people you care about. And if you can’t, please reach out to the brilliant professionals equipped to support you. There are a stack of resources and contacts at https://www.ruok.org.au/findhelp or reach out to one of the People Team. We’re here to support you.