Throughout Australia, businesses entered 2020 with a firm vision for their future. Then bushfires, drought and of course COVID-19 came along and fundamentally altered our country’s future.
The way organisations expected their teams to deliver services and meet customers’ expectations in the last few months has shifted rapidly. In a technology-based world, rapid shifts can expose and exacerbate security flaws. Using Nexon’s solutions, it’s possible to adapt to the challenges this fundamental change has enacted.
Human ingenuity is displayed most prominently during periods of crisis, where the need to “move fast and break things” is all too apparent. The net result for most organisations has been that their teams are now working remotely, and feared productivity collapses haven’t been apparent in the short term.
That said, businesses that needed to make significant adjustments to their working practices during the initial phase of the pandemic were forced to make rapid technological adaptations.
Original: In normal circumstances, changes to business systems involve thorough risk assessments and considered phasing. COVID-19 didn’t allow for that, forcing many organisations to operate even with potential security flaws.
Alternative: As a result of these rapid changes to business practices, companies need better visibility into their environment to evaluate and address issues that may have been created. Security is likely already built into technology deployed, but the crucial question many are now asking themselves is: “how do you govern all platforms, servers, and network’s security threat?”.
Nexon’s solutions are designed to be deployed to protect critical information that may be compromised at any time – not just in set-up phase. By revising current approaches and identifying data risks, Nexon helps organisations move forward in a way that keeps crucial information safe.
Beyond compliance concerns, protecting data is vital for organisation to maintain trust amongst key shareholders. Put simply, if customer’s and other stakeholders can’t trust you with their data, why would they continue to transact with you?
One of the biggest challenges surrounding remote working is helping employees engage in healthy and productive ways. Staying motivated while at home is challenging for many and productivity can suffer. Conversely some employees put extra pressure on themselves to perform and remain visible, leading to additional stress and burn-out.
As part of Nexon’s solutions designed to modernise and secure systems, collaborative tools are available to help employees remain engaged. Nexon’s experts take an empathetic approach to support transitions to new practices, understanding that inertia and nostalgia for old practices are often significant drivers of resistance to uptake. Using a blend of tools, expertise, and experience, we can develop solutions that help employees ease into adaptations and remain engaged.
The shocks to the economy have had dramatic impact across many sectors, and plenty of household names are struggling – even with government support. Leaders everywhere remain concerned as to whether they have the right business models and strategies to survive. Using comprehensive data analysis, Nexon is able to assist organisations to delve into what drives their success and where more technological agility is required.
Nexon can help to identify technologies to make businesses more flexible and agile. This is important as many of our customers have needed to adapt to sudden and unexpected changes.
Where organisations have created new business models, Nexon leverages customised applications to support them. Those applications can also support expansion during sudden market growth. Such expansion could help organisations remain successful if their industries see a much-welcome upturn in circumstances.
Businesses throughout Australia have needed to adapt in ways they never could have imagined. Those adaptations have required rapid technological advances that need strengthening to maintain data protection and retain employee engagement.
To learn more about how Nexon could help your business face the new future, read more here.