Gartner, Inc. predicts that by 2025, 70% of organizations will shift their focus from big to small and wide data, providing more context for analytics and making artificial intelligence (AI) less data hungry.
Nexon has recently expanded it’s capabilities with dedicated team of AI & Analytics experts with a deep history in assisting customers to obtain business value out of their data. No matter where your data sits, Nexon specialises in the Microsoft Data platform for implementing large scale data-integration and advanced analytics solutions to help transform your organisation.
Our current service areas range from Complex Big Data Solutions, Story Telling and BI through Data Visualisation, Information Management, Advanced Analytics, Internet of Things (IoT), Cognitive Services and Artificial Intelligence (AI).
Problems businesses’ face today
Businesses today are challenged with the increase of cloud services and the associated influx of data that comes along with maintaining always-on solutions. These might include:
Decentralised reporting: Many people across different divisions in a business are all spending large amounts of time preparing reports connected to varying data points and sources, reducing productivity and increasing the amount of time to make important decisions. Worse still, inconsistency of reporting in this fashion often results in a lack of trust in the outputs, undermining all of the effort and negating the ability for analytics to enable data driven business decisions
Manipulation and duplication of data: De-centralized reporting often leads to frustration which in turn leads to lots of manipulation of data in excel or other tools to prepare reporting, to get it “through the door”. So in essence, there is quite a large amount of reporting happening, but whether the reports are true or accurate is another matter altogether.
Not all Dashboards are equal: Despite all the effort, and even when the data is managed and curated well, the ability to draw effective insight, obtain the meaningful calls to action from the right people at just the right time, is often lost in the process. This ‘last mile’ is arguably the most important and in more cases than not, the reports and dashboards being generated are falling well short on the promise for delivering the insight they set out to provide
Lack of resources/knowledge: A lot of businesses aren’t making full use of the latest in AI technology to better drive their business decision making, simply because they lack the expertise or have not been consulted about best practices within the industry. They might have heard or read case studies about its use cases in other organizations, but do not know how to get started within their own. In most cases, we observe that some parts of the puzzle are being delivered well. Similarly in most cases there remain gaps or missed opportunities to realize the full gains available from analytics due to limitations in capacity or existing skillsets.
How Nexon can help
At Nexon, our consultants put the time to understand your industry and business. We don’t transact with you, we partner with you and extend your capability. We establish Analytics & AI best practices, ‘fit for purpose’ to your business. We look at your business goals and use advanced data visualisation and storytelling psychology to present ‘insights’, ‘calls to action’ rather than volumes of data that are ignored and ineffective.
We understand that leaders are busy doing their jobs, and that the least time they need to spend monitoring reports the better. Less is more. We understand that good data insight comes from good data, but we also know that most businesses have problems with data quality. We understand that not all data is equal and as a result, we focus on data quality ONLY where it matters rather than over investing in trying to solve all data problems.
To understand more about how our Analytics & AI solutions can help your business move forward, contact us here.