Nexon - Boosting cyber resilience in the face of growing threats

In today’s connected and digital landscape, the significance of cybersecurity resilience cannot be overstated. It underscores the critical need for organisations to adapt and bolster their defenses against an array of cyber threats. As our reliance on technology deepens, and cloud adoption grows, business leaders must navigate a complex and ever-changing landscape.

According to the Australian Signals Directorate’s 2022-23 fiscal report, the agency responded to over 1,100 cybersecurity incidents last year. This statistic underscores the relentless efforts of cyber adversaries to compromise vital systems and highlights the ongoing challenges faced in safeguarding digital infrastructure.

Throughout the year, Australian Signals Directorate (ASD) observed several key trends that highlight the evolving nature of cyber threats:

Throughout the year, Australian Signals Directorate (ASD) observed several key trends that highlight the evolving nature of cyber threats

To bolster cyber resilience, organisations must adopt a multifaceted approach that encompasses various strategies. Technical controls like the ASD’s Essential Eight are essential components, but fostering a culture of cybersecurity awareness, detection, and response is equally crucial.

In addition to these measures, it’s imperative to implement robust cybersecurity protocols for remote work solutions. Conducting regular audits helps ensure compliance with policies regarding secure system usage, and the protection of sensitive data.

Moreover, confirming that operational technology and IT systems are effectively segmented is essential. This segmentation helps prevent attackers from moving laterally between networks and reduces the risk of service interruptions during cyber incidents. By implementing these comprehensive measures, organisations can enhance their cybersecurity posture and better protect against evolving cyber threats.

Key insights outlined in the ASD report:

The volume of cybercrime reports increased by 23%, with an average report filed every 6 minutes, reflecting the escalating frequency of cyber incidents
The Australian Cyber Security Hotline witnessed a 32% rise in calls, averaging 90 calls per day, indicative of heightened awareness and vigilance among residents and organisations
Businesses grappled with email compromise, business email compromise (BEC) fraud, and online banking fraud are the top 3 reported cybercrimes for organisations.

To read the complete report and stay informed, click here.

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